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Selectmen's Minutes May 6, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 6, 2003   

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department    

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan

Jeff informed the board that the town has been awarded $15,500 reimbursement from FEMA, for the February snowstorm.  AJ and Jeff will be attending the drainage workshop.  The board would like the department to get the dooryard cleaned up at the shed.  The question was raised as to whether or not the police department was still interested in the old trailer.  John Martell will check with the chief.  The possibility of having to gate off the yard was discussed. Chairman Colbert informed Jeff about a complaint he received regarding the condition of Lovers Lane. It has not been graded. The board gave Jeff a sample timesheet they would like the highway to try using.  This is a “working document” and as such, input from Jeff is encouraged.  AJ has talked to the state about fencing the lower driveway access at the library.  They do not have a problem with it; however, Jeff believes once you fence it off, you lose that driveway forever.  Selectman Arey asked Jeff to go look at the driveway.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management Director

PRESENT: Police Officer John Martell & Dave Vallencourt from the Office of Emergency Management  


The board invited Mr. Vallencourt, a resident of Chichester, to attend this meeting to discuss the role of an Emergency Management Director and to inform the board of grants and programs available to the town for such matters as updating the town’s emergency plan and equipment needed to enhance the town’s emergency procedures.  Mr. Vallencourt assisted Selectman DeBold in submitting a grant for $8,000 to update Chichester’s Emergency Operation Plan. The board is grateful to him for his assistance.  The town would contract out to a firm that does this work.  It involves about 250-300 community hours to co-ordinate with local communities to organize a new plan that is then approved by FEMA.  As of November 2004, if communities do not have an approved plan in place, they are in jeopardy of not receiving any Federal Disaster Relief Money. The next step in the process is to complete a Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Grants are available for this as well.  Mr. Vallencourt estimates this to be one meeting a month for four to five months to develop.  Mr. Vallencourt recommended a contact the board may consider to head this project.    

 Mr. Vallencourt passed along kudos to Heather for expediting the paperwork for the fire department generator.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to appoint John Martell as Emergency Management Director for one (1) year.  All were in favor.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department

PRESENT: Deputy Chief, Mike Paveglio

The board shared information given to them from Mr. Vallencourt pertaining to a grant for automatic defibrillators.  Mike will send for the application package.  The town’s recent purchase might be applicable for a matching portion of funds on this grant.

Chief Prickett joined the meeting and the board discussed their wishes to have all the town’s financial affairs handled by  the selectmen’s office once the new software program is implemented.  The intent is to streamline the process as much as possible and gain a timelier accounting of all departments.  The Chief explained to the board that it was a vote at town meeting to have the fire department handle their own bills. Lisa will check past Town Reports for any information.  The board asked the chief to discuss this with his department, keeping an open mind and an eye to the future.   The Chief will get back to the board.


The board approved and signed the minutes of April 29, 2003 as written.

Space Needs Committee was again tabled until next week.

The use of the Grange Building is increasing and so is the need for extra cleaning of the main hall.  After much discussion Selectman Arey made the motion seconded by Selectman DeBold to charge a $25.00 usage fee effective June 1, 2003. All were in favor.   This cost is applicable to private use only, not to the town organizations that regularly use the building. The money will be used to pay for cleaning services charged to the town.      

The topic of the Appreciation Dinner was tabled until next week.

The Septage Agreement from the City of Concord was reviewed.  The board was agreeable to its content.  Selectman DeBold will contact Mr. Hanscom to inform him of the town’s interest in signing on with the Concord Wastewater Facility.  

Cable Franchise Fees were discussed at length.  Motion By Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to honor the school’s request only this year.  The board would like to see departments handle this request during the budget process.  Chairman Colbert has yet to find documentation that states the selectmen are required to spend this revenue and for what purpose.  He has contacted members of the Cable Advisory Committee and is awaiting a reply.

Chairman Colbert informed the board that vehicles are being parked in the right of way on the Baas property located on Depot Road.  This is blocking access to Thunder Bridge.  David will speak to Mr. & Mrs. Baas about this.  

Chairman Colbert discussed the monthly cost of internet service may be higher than first quoted due to the fact that the town is looking to have a fixed address so that departments may interface from other locations, the offices can receive support via PC Anywhere, and automatic updates can be made to the systems.  He is still working with both the cable company and the phone company for the best rate.  
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The board received a letter from the Planning Board asking that the appointments of three alternates be filled.  The selectmen have been working on this.  Lisa will update the Planning Board secretary as to the status of the appointments.  

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:40pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                   Approved As Written
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  


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